Tuesday, October 23, 2012




1. Soal Selidik


Digunakan bagi mendapatkan maklumat umum tentang fakta, kepercayaan, 

  kehendak, status sosio ekonomi, latar belakang pelajar, pendapatan atau tahap  


Terdiri daripada jenis jawapan dibina dan jawapan dipilih.

Soal selidik boleh dipos atau diberi secara langsung kepada subjek.

Ciri ciri soal selidik yang baik.

1.Berasaskan kepada objektif dan definisi operasi.

2.Disemak dengan pengalaman dan sorotan literatur berkaitan.
3.Ditentukan kesesuaian soalan atau pernyataan.
4.Soalan tidak prejudis.
5.Nyatakan soalan atau pilihan jawapan dengan jelas.
6.Jawapan ikhlas.
7.Soalan tidak memesong atau memaksa subjek.
8.Tempoh menjawab minimum.
9.Disusun secara psikologi : mudah ke susah.

2. Temu bual

Melibatkan penyelidik dan subjek hadir sama.
Kaedah tertua.
Soalan dibina untuk merangsang maklumat.



3. Ujian

Jenis-jenis Ujian
Ujian Pencapaian.
Ujian Kecerdasan (mental, emosi).
Ujian Prestasi.
Ujian Kecekapan.
Ujian Bakat.
Ujian Personaliti, Sikap dan Minat.

4. Skala / Inventori

Untuk mengukur pemboleh ubah kualitatif yang berbentuk gagasan seperti ciri tingkah laku, minat, sikap, dan personaliti yang dapat diukur secara kuantitatif.
Digunakan dalam ujian personaliti, ujian sikap, dan persepsi.


5. Pemerhatian

Memerhati tingkah laku berdasarkan pemboleh ubah yang dikenal pasti seperti masa berbeza akan menyebabkan tingkah laku berbeza.
Perlu dikenal pasti tingkah laku secara ekslusif (tidak ada pertindanan tingkah laku) dan extensive (kenal pasti kemungkinan kejadian semua tingkah laku).
Peranan penyelidik sebagai pemerhati.
Aktiviti penyelidik adalah melihat, mendengar dan merekod.
Penyelidikan bernilai tinggi jika dilakukan secara objektif.




·         The device (pencil-paper test, a questionnaire, rating scale etc) the researcher uses to collect data.
·         Not all researchers need instrument
·         In studies, where data obtained from existing records (grades, attendance etc) no instrument is needed.
.        The whole process of preparing to collect data.
·         Involves selection or design of the instruments and also procedures and the conditions under which the instruments will be administered.
·         Kinds of instruments to use depends on :
ü  Location

ü  Time

ü  Frequency

ü  Administration


Validity, reliability and Objectivity


Valid instrument

·         Valid instrument  is instrument that measures what it is supposed to measure.

·         Valid instrument permits researchers to draw warranted or valid conclusions about

the characteristics of individuals they study.

·         Instrument used must allow researchers to make accurate inferences.


Reliable Instrument

·         Reliable instrument is one that gives consistent results (in few occasions)



·         Refers to the absence of subjective judgments.



·         Refers to how easy it will be to use.

·         How long it will take to administer.

·         Are the directions clear?

·         Is it appropriate for the group?

·         How easy is it to score?

·         How much does it cost?

·         Do equivalent forms exist?

·         Have any problems reported by others?


Means of Classifying Data-Collection Instrument

There are 3 ways of obtaining  information in Educational Research:

1.     Get themselves (observation, examine records etc)

2.     Directly from the subject (test, interview etc)

3.     From others /informants (interview others)


There are 2 basic ways for a researcher to acquire an instrument:


1.   Find and administer  an existing instrument

·      Developed by experts who possess necessary skills

·      Less time consuming


2.   Administer an instrument the researcher personally developed

·      Not easy (involves a lot of time, effort, money, skill etc)


Classification of Instruments

1.   Written-response Instrument (recommended)

ü  Objective tests (multiple choice, true-false, matching, short-answer)

ü  Short essay examination

ü  Interview schedule

ü  Rating scale

ü  Checklist

2.   Performance Instrument (time consuming, need equipments, not readily available)

ü  Any device designed to measure either a procedure or a product


Examples of data-collection Instruments

Administered by researcher
Administered by the subject
Rating scale
Interview Schedules
Observation Forms
Attitude scale
Tally Sheets
Personality inventories
Aptitude test









  1. Sepatutnya maklumat ini adalah pendahuluan/permulaan kepada tajuk yang dibincangkan dalam blog ini. Susun semula supaya teratur ikut susunan yang betul.
